
Terms and Conditions

Returns Policy

We do not provide a refund if you have changed your mind about a particular purchase so we ask that you choose carefully.
If goods are proven faulty, we will provide a replacement free of charge under the Consumer Guarantees Act.

You can find more information about this from the ACCC website, search for "Consumer Guarantee"

  • Where goods are to be returned, you must notify our office within 48 hours of delivery.
  • Where goods have past their expiry date, or have been tampered with in any way or opened, they cannot be accepted for return.
  • A restocking fee of 10% of the returned goods value applies

No tolerance policy regarding Fraud

We will immediately report credit card fraud to the relevant authorities for any attempted fraudulent order.


Overseas Orders

We will only accept orders from Victoria, Australia. Unfortunately, we cannot accept orders from any other places at this time.


Privacy Statement

Your rights with respect to storage and sharing of your personal information

All Foods Distributors Pty Ltd A.C.N 107 033 947 (AFD) complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and with the Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act. To the extent AFD handles your credit information, AFD will also comply with the Credit Reporting Code.


What kind of personal information does AFD collect?

During the provision of its services, AFD may collect your personal information.

Generally, the kinds of personal information AFD collects are:

·         contact and identification information such as your name, address, telephone number, email address;

·         banking details and/or credit card details where necessary to facilitate direct debit payments;

·         credit information being credit related personal information lawfully created and accessible within the Australian credit reporting system:

·         credit eligibility information which AFD obtains from credit reporting bodies

In some circumstances AFD may hold other personal information provided by you.

How does AFD collect personal information?

AFD collects your personal information directly from you, through the completion of a manual or online form, such as for a commercial trading account with AFD, an interaction in person or telephone, facsimile, email, post or through the use of the AFD website.  There may be occasions when AFD collects your personal information from other sources such as from a credit reporting body.

Why does AFD need your personal information?

AFD collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information where it is reasonably necessary for the purposes of :

·         distributing and delivering goods

·         assessing a credit application

·         administering a trading account

·         providing quotes and proposals;

·         accounting, billing and other internal administrative purposes;

·         identifying and informing you of products and services that may be of interest to you from AFD;

·         assessing your application for employment with AFD or otherwise for the purpose of engaging you as a contractor or consultant; and

·         any other legal requirements including to lodge security interests on the Personal Property Security Register in accordance with Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth).

Where personal information is used or disclosed, AFD takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure it is relevant to the purpose for which it is to be used or disclosed. You are under no obligation to provide your personal information to AFD.  However, without certain information from you, AFD may not be able to provide its products and/or services to you.

To whom does AFD disclose your personal information?

AFD may disclose your personal to:

·         AFD employees and third parties engaged to perform administrative or other services;

·         AFD’ professional advisors, contractors, consultants, bankers and related bodies corporate;

·         Debt collection agencies and

·         Regulatory bodies.

Such disclosures are made on a confidential basis or otherwise in accordance with law.

Direct marketing

AFD may use and disclose your personal information in order to inform you of products and services that may be of interest to you.  In the event you do not wish to receive such communications, you can opt-out by contacting AFD or through any opt-out mechanism contained in any marketing communication sent to you.

Security of your personal information

AFD takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the personal information it holds is protected from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.  AFD holds personal information in both hard copy and electronic forms in secure databases on secure premises, accessible only by authorised staff.


Can you access and correct the personal information that AFD holds about you?

AFD takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure personal information it holds is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading.  Under the Privacy Act, you have a right to access and seek correction of your personal information that is collected and held by AFD.  If at any time you would like to access or correct the personal information that AFD holds about you, or you would like more information on AFD’ approach to privacy, please contact AFD

To obtain access to your personal information:

·         you will have to provide proof of identity to ensure that personal information is provided only to the correct individuals and that the privacy of others is protected;

·         AFD requests that you be specific about the information you require; and

·         AFD may charge you a reasonable administration fee, which reflects the cost to AFD, for providing access in accordance with your request.